Mose and the Burn

September 16, 2016

Yahweh and Moses​​ and a Burning Bush

This is a 3 part piece to be presented as a theatre piece. ​​ The​​ Bold​​ both tell about and speak the words of Yahweh. Note that Yahweh is always referred to in non gender-specific terms and is generally considered plural. ​​ Mose’s story is in standard type and , again both tells the story and gives him voice. ​​ The red lines are similar to a Greek chorus and is meant to be spoken by a third individual. ​​ It may also be possible to have the congregation repeat these lines.


And Yahweh was moving among the heavens. ​​ The cries of the people had been heard and Yahweh wanted to respond but there had been no way to do it. ​​ Yahweh ached at the thought of the people of God suffering but how to deliver them? ​​ Who would be the one to lead them out of their captivity? ​​ Yahweh was determined to answer the prayers of the people.

The God of all that is and was

and ever shall be

was in a spot

they needed to find

the person; an individual

to lead the people of God

to ​​ freedom.


And Moses was out watching the sheep trying to be a good shepherd; doing his job by protecting the sheep and taking care of them. ​​ It was hot and dry, very hot. ​​ It was so hot and dry that even some bushes would spontaneously burst into flames.

Whoa! ​​ Wait a minute, that bush…. there is a lot of fire but that bush is not being burned up!  ​​​​ That’s not right; maybe I’m confused? ​​ Not enough to drink? ​​ Maybe too much to drink…what is going on?

Yahweh called to Moses and Moses was surprised; actually pretty​​ shocked. ​​ it was a​​ confusing vision and now​​ it even included​​ voices. ​​ Hey Mose, Yahweh called.  ​​​​ Moses was taken aback. ​​ Yahweh called again,​​ Moses, the son of Amram, stop!

Ok, I am….here.

A declarative statement

not a question but​​ 

A clear point that he is present

and listening

a way of saying that he will​​ 

hear​​ and respond

I am here.

I am hearing.

I am present.

Now Yahweh can speak.

The voice in the bush warned Moses to come no closer and to remove his sandals. ​​ Yahweh warned him that he had been summoned to holy ground; not an everyday occurrence, even for Moses. ​​ So Moses removed his sandals and stopped to wait and hear what would come next. ​​ He was a little worried; shaking with fear.  ​​​​ More than confused.

I hope I’m imagining this. ​​ Maybe I’m dreaming. ​​ If this is Yahweh, what do they want? ​​ This is new to me and I don’t know how to respond and, anyway, I have a lot of work to do today. ​​ I’m scared mostly and I don’t want to look stupid.

Yahweh had a plan and it included Moses going to the people of Israel and bringing them out of bondage. ​​ It was a big plan and one that would affect the people’s conditions greatly. ​​ Moses, listen up. ​​ You are going to be part of bringing the people of God. ​​ You will lead them and they will follow you.

No, are you kidding?! ​​ This is not for me.  ​​​​ Surely you know what I did to the Egyptian! ​​ Well, there is even more. ​​ I don’t understand you and I have loads of doubts about you. ​​ I’m not sure I should be called a person of God any more. ​​ There are things, Yahweh, that I have done and not even talked about.  ​​​​ Besides, Pharoah wants to kill me! ​​ I need to stay here.  ​​​​ I don’t think I’m the one. ​​ I can’t be. ​​ I can’t do it.

Stay safe. ​​ Do not take the step out

of what you know

have an excuse ready

for why you cannot respond

Moses does not want

to be what he can be.


Moses, Moses do you see that burning bush? ​​ Well do you?


Well, it is not being consumed. ​​ I, the Lord God, Creator and Sustainer of all there is have the power to cleanse a living thing without destroying it.  ​​ ​​​​ I will bring the power. ​​ You will carry it.

The burning bush was

like a ceramic kiln

hotter than any material

can sustain

and yet

it does not consume the

​​ hot object

but changes it to a new

form; harder

more useful

and far more



Then I will go with you by my side

I will be what you need me to be

Doubting and fearful

Failed but foregiven

Weak but sustained

Imperfect but cleansed.


Yahweh rejoiced for the people of God would be made free.



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