Journey together apart

October 20, 2014

Sitting in the Journey


I was on​​ the​​ train and

intent on my journey

when​​ he​​ chose​​ to sit​​ 

beside me.

Perhaps it was his intention;

perhaps it was my need.

I​​ thought​​ to casually

walk away to the club car

and get a stale ham sandwich

and maybe he did too

but the​​ jostling to and fro

​​ held us in place

and as we sat and stared

ahead into the direction​​ 

we were going without​​ 

seeing the rails ahead,

it​​ was as if

we were suspended​​ 

in mid-journey.

The air grew still and

became stale and dead​​ 

and​​ it​​ imprisoned

our lungs so that we could

not utter​​ words that floated

to our minds in the rhythm

of the turning wheels.

We traveled​​ on​​ separate

rails careening down

mountain sides of living

and across​​ decaying bridges

​​ of yearning;

But there was no crossing

and there was no joining

of those rails

and there was no conductor

to take the tickets

and so we sat

and​​ sat.

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