How can we not be?

September 1, 2015

How can we not

​​ be mentally ill?

When the followers of​​ 

The Prince of Peace

are the bearers of hate

and bigotry​​ and behave

with such scorn and derision,

when the wild conjectures

of the desperate are

given more weight

than the actions of​​ 

honored leaders,

when lies​​ repeated

over and over

are transformed into truth,

when centuries of science

are dismissed in the​​ 

face of​​ magic​​ and myth,

when the values of​​ 

fairness and good will

are rejected in favor of

distortions and fear,

when paranoia

is valued over reality,

when​​ children are​​ 

arrested for achievement,

when the exercise of authority

is more important than the​​ 

protection of life,

when we are willing to​​ 

destroy our own earth

in the interest of quick profitsm

when we value guns​​ 

more than​​ the lives of

our​​ ​​ own​​ children,

what is insanity?

How can we not be​​ 

mentally ill?


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