The Perseverance of Renewal
-an homage to Deer Hill—
Hidden from and unknown by
the aspirational traffic rushing past
Tucked under the sight-lines of
prescribed roadways and bike paths
Behind the mounds of native boulders
providing a dam against the encroaching tidiness of our times
Lies the back-side of Deer Hill.
Not merely enduring but living
as if the Ute still strode over it
ever thriving and renewing;
the rabbit brush and the scrub oak
the bunch grass and the service berry
magpies, deer and elk
coyotes, weasels and ground-squirrels
even the rocks in a myriad of colors and shapes
all living amid the sharp golden yellow of the sulphur flower
the brushed gray of the sage and
a continuum of greens beyond description and measure.
Each existing according to the values
and ways of the Mother Earth so
unacquainted with the rules of gardening or landscaping
or the formulas of
prescribed and perceived beauty.
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