Now, Devil was perturbed. The whole idea that God might make some changes to the order of things in the heavens was not at all comfortable for Devil. So off Devil went to talk some sense into God .
God was having a meeting with St. Peter about widening the Gates of Paradise just a bit. While everyone got in, there was a bit of a bottleneck there and God did not think that made any sense. However, St. Peter was a stickler for precedent and procedure so he often liked to have good screening mechanisms in place. “Pete, for God’s sake, lighten up!” God was on a roll and a little edgy about this. “God’s sake?” mocked Peter who could be a bit of a sarcastic one at times. “Oh, I’m sorry,” God said slightly embarrassed at the slip in language, “I just want a better experience there…”
“God, we need to talk!!” Devil was the biggest drama-queen and never minded butting in on God’s business. God looked up and smiled knowingly that change was hard for Devil. “Devil, you have interrupted us again. Now sit and have some lavender tea!” God was not willing to take the pressure off Pete while placating Devil.
“Could one of you angels please bring Devil some lavender tea, please?” asked God. “Tea!! It’s always tea! You think that just because we sit and talk and sip tea that I’m going to change my opinion!” Devil was not giving up. “Better make it a double,” God sighed and went back to pressuring Peter.
God and St. Peter went on with their discussion and review of gate procedures. Pete was the skeptical one and God was the one for more flexibility but finally Peter gave in and agreed to review things and make it more pleasant. “Oh, that’s great. Thank you Peter. I knew we could come up with a plan,” God finally said, “let me know how it all turns out.” St. Peter rolled his eyes at Devil on the way out.
God turned to Devil who had, in fact, drank all the tea and asked for second one. “Now, Devil, my good friend, what is it that you wanted?”
“God, why is it that you always seem to want to make changes?” Devil had rehearsed a bit for the pitch to God. “It has been working fine. You demand obedience (after all you sent down those tablet things once) and then when things get rough, you provide some punishment and we all move on. What’s wrong with that? I’m always around to make up for your lax ways. Why stir things up now?”
“Well,” God sighed, “it doesn’t work and the Mind of God is changing.”
It was going to be a long day for Devil.
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