I am from the Beginning
I am from the Source and the Remaining
I am from what was and
I will be what will be.
I am eternal.
I once cradled the Great Inland Sea
for as long as it needed to be
and caressed its waters with my winds
of forever;
I am ageless,
I am enduring
I am Presence.
I am from the grass
deep-rooted, stable and sure
I am an absorber of sunlight and
a holder of the reflected light
of the moon.
I am the bison who tred lightly
taking only what they need
I am the anchor for the horizon
a place to touch the sky
I am the wind rolling
across my undulating
I am the breast for
the heavens.
I am the consuming fire
that clears the superfluous
unnecessary, unwanted
from my fertile loins
I am both mother
and father to the
future and a protector
of the long forgotten
I am the
Great Flint Hills
of Kansas
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