A Brief History of Creation

October 3, 2019

A Brief History of Creation

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ or how god​​ failed at​​ retail


in the early megaannum

in the depths of space

before air or water

before humans​​ were

even a thought

before form even,

god got into manufacturing

creating infrastructure

putting some pieces together

moving things around a bit

lining them up

those were big times with​​ 

much trial and error,

big bangs​​ and​​ no assured success.


as the millennia passed god

moved more towards​​ the marketplace

with the hope to have a little

more control on how the goods

got​​ distributed

opening new outlets

for the manufactured products

air was a​​ popular item

rain and sunlight followed up

right behind in demand

and it became clear to god

that this was a good place

to be with an expanding market,

and little direct competition


when​​ time began to get some pattern

to it and parts of the creation

started rotating, there came

new creatures competing for the​​ 

space, humans crawled up out

of the watery, dank depths

and looked for ways to corner

parts of the market leaving

god with no place​​ 

to move​​ the​​ goods

so god​​ went​​ down-market

​​ to retail

with a line of​​ products

that now included Love

and Respect, there​​ 

was Regard and Hope;

and there was a whole line called

Science with many new products that held

a lot of promise but

the market was saturated​​ 

and the demand was not there

for these more complicated

(some even said sophisticated)



god was at a loss of what to do

for without strong outlets, the​​ 

whole process made no sense

so god tried franchises but​​ most

of them​​ were not interested

in the new lines ​​ being produced​​ 

preferring instead to manufacture

their own lines in direct competition


and that is how god failed at retail.


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