In 2003 my offices were flooded with 5 ft. of water. We had watched the water gathering for weeks in the fields near us and yet could not believe they would ever reach us and yet, one day, they did. The water rose quickly and yet seemed so friendly. It seeped every so softly through the front door and onto the carpet. It seemed so gentle and harmless and yet it reeked a horrible havoc. This became and object lesson of so many things to me and is ever so applicable to today.
It starts as a trickle;
innocent little rivulets
seeping through the small spaces
slowly, softly, easy
no threat; no alarm
flowing into the empty
spaces left unfilled
ready, eager to fill them up
touching the edges.
No worry, just filling
in the cracks.
Don’t be alarmed
just a little addition;
no need for attention
a small inclination
to water the dry, parched land.
Needed; welcomed actually.
But then it fills up the spaces
and it needs more.
Unsatisfied to be in the cracks
it starts up the walls;
where else to go?
And soon we are left
drowning; gasping for air
no ropes to grab
except those offered
by those who opened the
releasing the flow and
smiling as they throw
the lifelines; not caring if
they are taken.
Glad to offer their
service for a price.
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