Most of Christian love today
seems to be like grits
the corn meal kind
the kind your mama warmed up
on a cold morning
and then give you a big spoonful
with whatever else
you wanted to have
like real butter
or plenty of sugar
may even syrup on good days
Those grits would be all buttery
and sweet to get you
feeling right cozy and content,
with a sugar high for
all morning and even a add
a pound or two to that scrawny
frame when you still needed it.
Well, that’s not the Love
in the fourth week
of Advent, for if that love
has grit, it is under the fingernails,
if it is cozy and content
it is due to a huddle of souls
if you want that big dollop so bad,
you will need to share it
but it is naturally sweet;
no additives needed.
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