The Occasional Opossum

March 12, 2018

It lay for weeks in the back pasture

quietly serene and some would say

even beautiful in its benign setting

without threat to anyone or anything

and even as it came closer and more

into view it offered a little past-time

reflection and curiosity for what it​​ 

might become but we laughed at

the thought that it was worrisome;

more like a little thrill for the idea

that danger would lie so close to us

and we stayed comfortable going​​ 

about our daily duties of whatever

seemed to be important or urgent or both.

In time it came to the garden gate and​​ 

that seemed a little closer than we had​​ 

anticipated or envisioned; a trifle more than

we had bargained for and a little uncomfortable

but then what was there to be worried about

since history and common sense told us

​​ that there would be no danger for us; we​​ 

were above the​​ line; privileged so to speak.

Then quietly and swiftly it entered the garden

and came to our very foundation​​ 

and we became alarmed and surprised​​ 

at our earlier complacency and so​​ 

we asked the authorities for a suggestion

as to a plan of action and were told not to fret​​ 

or worry, it would pose no real threat; just a minor

inconvenience and a little disruption to our daily

routine for a short time and so​​ 

we stood and watched

as it crept up the sidewalk and in through the door

and we knew too late that we would drown along

with the rats and the snakes and the occasional opossum.

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