
June 7, 2017

A Tale of​​ Two​​ Men​​ and​​ a Tree​​ 




it might have been a day like today;

the family gathered save one

who never returned from that

great war to end all wars.

-the apple of his mother’s eye

-the hope of his father

-the progenitor to be

had fallen,​​ 

and so they​​ came together​​ 

on the west side​​ of their church life

to plant​​ a tree in a hole dug​​ by hand​​ 

for​​ a small​​ spare​​ sapling​​ 

gathered from up the hill

brought down​​ 

to​​ shade the sunny windows

in the afternoons.

they were hoping to

see just a little of him​​ each day​​ 

and so they​​ planted that tree of hope

with sadness and tears

determined to have​​ William

with them​​ again.




and the tree did grow

and it provided​​ a comfort​​ 

to a family grieving.

in time,​​ another​​ son​​ was

born​​ to another family​​ 

bringing joy to new parents​​ 

who had hope​​ as well;​​ 

and this young boy

grew to be a man​​ 

handsome​​ in face and spirit.​​ 

and as still a young man

he went off to fight​​ in yet​​ another​​ war,

leaving his family with worry​​ 

but with pride,

and the tree kept growing

and cooling the stone​​ wall​​ in summer​​ 

and providing​​ not so much joy​​ 

as​​ strength and determination,

a will to persevere.




the young man returned from​​ war​​ 

and lived among us

with wife and ​​ children​​ around him.

and he hoped that there would

never be another war and

he sought ways to assure that hope;

with his wit and spirit​​ strong,

he stood in the midst of us

providing whatever was needed

and being present each day

or time he was called on

just like the tree next to the​​ 

western wall.




over the decades of life,

the tree​​ grew​​ large​​ 

just​​ as the young man​​ grew

taller​​ in his living.​​ 

but,​​ as in all things,​​ 

life moves​​ forward​​ 

and the tree’s space​​ was needed;​​ 

and so it was cut down,​​ 

but not​​ before someone​​ observed

that the​​ tree had​​ been​​ there

in honor​​ of a man cut short

and​​ it​​ should live on.

so,​​ in​​ a​​ pause​​ and

a moment of reflection,

it​​ was discovered​​ 

that over the years

with age and challenges,

the tree had grown

not stronger​​ 

but more beautiful​​ of spirit and grain

and so​​ it had​​ prepared​​ itself

for​​ a​​ new life​​ 

in a new form.




and it was also​​ true

that over the decades​​ of living​​ 

the man filled a space​​ 

in everyone’s heart​​ 

and we treasured​​ him​​ 

and he​​ made​​ the rest of us​​ grow

along with him.

but there​​ came a time

when he needed to lie​​ down​​ 

and​​ make way​​ for others​​ 

and​​ we would​​ go on without him;

and so it was with​​ heavy hearts​​ 

we​​ bade​​ John​​ farewell.




and so the clock

and calendars have turned

and we are here today

as recipients of times past

on a day like so many​​ years ago​​ 

to​​ welcome​​ and honor​​ 

the​​ tree​​ 

and​​ two​​ men​​ 

who​​ walked this​​ way​​ before us.

we​​ welcome this​​ tree

again into​​ our midst,

bestowing honor​​ 

on​​ those​​ men​​ and

to​​ the generations​​ 

through which they lived,

bringing us to this moment

of celebration,​​ 

for all​​ whom​​ we have known

and​​ for​​ those that will

gather round​​ this table

in generations to come.​​ 

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