He dropped the Mother of All

April 17, 2017

write now

no more waiting

write your​​ poems now

put your words down

and get them out

for the world to​​ 

hear them


war is created​​ out of​​ 

innuendo and bravado

out of a loathing for small​​ 

hands; a worry to not be

​​ the alpha dog.

Write those verses now

and put them up for soon

excuses​​ will be​​ useless​​ for.

we have dropped​​ 

the Mother of All​​ 

and the Fathers are

on their search for the​​ 

blood of the innocents

determined to prove

that theirs is bigger

and stronger and​​ 

can outlast the others

even as we all

die for their joy

to prove they are

the center​​ of​​ 

what is left

of the universe.

Those with small​​ 

ideas​​ ​​ but big needs,

those with narrow​​ 

visions but wide power

taken not granted

assumed not approved

stolen never given

now set for themselves

a game to the brink

winner take all

and leave nothing.

Write your poems now.


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